Standard Operating Procedure

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Welcome and Thank You for taking an interest in Law Enforcement. In this Standard Operating Procedure “S.O.P” you will learn Everything you need to know to properly Enforce the Laws of San Andreas.

Section 1 - Chain of Command​

The Chain of Command is an authority and accountability chain from the highest-ranking position to the lowest ranking position.

General Explanation​

The chain of command is simple, it goes Federal, State, County, Municipal. Below we outline a simple Chain of Command that must be followed. Within City limits, FBI is controlled by the Secret Service.

Deputy CommissionerAssistant ChiefUndersheriff
Assistant CommissionerDeputy ChiefAssistant Sheriff
ChiefCommanderChief Deputy
Assistant ChiefColonelColonel
LieutenantMaster SergeantMaster Sergeant
Master SergeantSergeant 1st ClassSergeant 1st Class
Sergeant 1st ClassSergeantSergeant
CorporalOfficer 1st ClassMaster Deputy
Master TrooperOfficerSenior Deputy
Trooper 1st ClassCadetDeputy

Section 2 - Code of Conduct​

  • When on duty or in a Law Enforcement building you are to always remain professional and respectful.
  • Respect Superiors
  • When using Radio Comms be professional and don’t cut off anyone unless it’s a real Code 3 Priority.
  • Respect your fellow Officers
  • Be Respectful, Professional, Mature
  • Use Common Sense
  • If there is a problem, report it to your Superior
  • Take Pride in your job
  • Perform your job
  • Work hard
  • Must Be Clean cut and in uniform at all times when on duty.
  • Act in a professional manner and be respectful

Section 3 - Uniforms​

Uniforms can be found in their respective Department Information.

Section 4 - Vehicles​

Any vehicle marked with R. is a Rmod Vehicle. Any vehicle marked with (P) is a personal vehicle, this means only that person is authorized to utilize it unless authorized by the owner of the vehicle.

Dep. Comm.Ass. ChiefUndersheriff
Ass. Comm.Dep. ChiefAss. Sheriff
ChiefCommanderChief Dep.
Assistant ChiefColonelColonel
LieutenantMaster Sgt.Master Sgt.
Master Sgt.Sgt. 1st ClassSgt. 1st Class
Sgt. 1st ClassSergeantSergeant
CorporalSpecialistMaster Dep.
Master TrooperOfficer 1st Cla.Deputy 1st Cla.
Trooper 1st Cla.OfficerDeputy

Section 5 - Radio Communications and 10 Codes​

Using Your Radio​

When using your radio, you are to always follow basic respect and etiquette. At no time is it ok to SCREAM into your Radio, always stay as calm as possible and speak clearly.

You must not cut off another officer unless it’s a Code 3 Priority.


When Dispatch receives a call, they will use the CAD system to create a call for respected units needed. Once the call has been made Dispatch will then give Radio Comms to respected Units needed. At no time shall any Emergency Personnel respond to a call unless instructed by dispatch or a supervisor.


Code 1Routine Call, No Lights or Siren
Code 2Needs Assistance, Lights no Siren
Code 3Priority Assistance, Lights and Sirens
Code 4Situation Under Control
Code 5Steak Out - Stay Away
Code 6Out of Car on Investigation
Code 6AOut of Car on Investigation, Requires Assistance
Code 6COut of Car on Investigation, Suspect is Wanted
Code 6GOut of Car on Investigation, Gang Activity
Code 7Meal Break
Code 8Fire Alarm
Code 8aWorking Fire
Code 10Request to Clear Frequency for Crime Broadcast
Code 12False Alarm
Code 20Notify Media
Code 30Burglar Alarm (Code 30 Ringer or Code 30 Silent)
Code 37Vehicle is Reported Stolen
Code 77Caution, Possible Ambush
Code 99Emergency
Code 100In Position to Intercept


  • 10-0 Lost Visual of Suspect/s
  • 10-1 Radio Frequency Change
  • 10-2 Negative
  • 10-3 Stop Transmitting
  • 10-4 Affirmative / Copy
  • 10-5 Transporting Suspect
  • 10-7 Unavailable
  • 10-8 Available
  • 10-9 Repeat Transmission
  • 10-11 Traffic Stop
  • 10-13 Shots Fired
  • 10-14 Escorting
  • 10-23 Stand-By
  • 10-24 Trouble at Station
  • 10-27 Check Driver's Licence
  • 10-32 Request Back-Up
  • 10-41 On Duty
  • 10-42 Off Duty
  • 10-50 Vehicle Accident
  • 10-68 Active Robbery
  • 10-70 Foot Pursuit
  • 10-80 Vehicle Pursuit
  • 10-97 In Route
  • 10-99 Officer Down

Penal Radio Codes​

  • 148 - Resisting Arrest
  • 187 - Homicide
  • 207 - Kidnapping
  • 211 - Armed Robbery
  • 211 – Silent Alarm
  • 240 - Assault
  • 242 - Battery
  • 245 - Assault With Deadly Weapon
  • 246 - Shooting in Dwelling
  • 288 - Lewd Conduct
  • 311 - Indecent Exposure
  • 374 - Illegal Dumping
  • 390 - Intoxicated Person
  • 415 - Disturbance
  • 417 - Person With a Gun
  • 451 - Arson
  • 459 - Burglary
  • 470 - Forgery
  • 480 - Hit and Run
  • 484 - Theft
  • 487 - Grand Theft
  • 488 - Petty Theft
  • 502 - Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

Section 6 - Dealing with Civilians and Criminals​

At all times, when you're in uniform, you are to act to a high standard. This means you are formal, mature and serious. The way you act represents all law enforcement.

Searching Suspects​

Searching suspect/s requires reasonable suspicion or probable cause to search, unless you are already arresting someone going to jail. Searching suspect/s requires reasonable suspicion. For example, if there have been shots fired in an area, you have the right to search any suspects in the close area of that shooting.

Make sure that you confiscate all illegal items. This includes any items that are involved in drug production, bank/store heists, to do any criminal work and any other items. Phones can be taken, but make sure that they are returned when they get out of jail.

All items confiscated MUST be taken straight to the evidence. If you are caught carrying these items away from jailing a suspect, serious actions will be taken against you.

Trespassing Regulations​

No one is to be on / at / in someone else’s property without their permission / knowledge.

Dealing with Media and the Press​

Members of the press have full rights to film and record officers doing their job. However, they must do so at a suitable, safe distance, in which they are not endangering their lives, and not interfering with the work we do. Please make sure you are most professional when the press is around.

Section 7 - Levels of Authorization​

Officer Presence​

If an officer is in sight, it can sometimes be enough to stop a crime completely.

Verbal Commands​

This will include using verbal commands like “Stop”, “Leave the Area”, “Come here”.

Officer Involvement​

When the civilian is disobeying an officer's commands, the use of a baton or tackling a suspect can be used to detain the individual.

Less Lethal​

If a suspect is causing danger to either themselves or the public, is resisting to stop; entering another vehicle after evading from another vehicle; the use of a taser or a beanbag shotgun can be used.

Full Lethal Usage​

Resort to fully automatic in dire situations.

If the suspect has either attempted to kill, or killed anyone, Full Lethal can be used.

Make sure you are 100% sure of the situation before shooting.

Note that the person shooting could be doing so in self-defense.

If they put hands up/surrender, stop shooting immediately. Resort down to level 4.

Section 8 - Pursuits​

When pursuing a vehicle, the primary unit should be focused on driving. When possible, the secondary unit should always read road names and directions. Be precise when calling comms. Pitting and spike strips should be used only if they cause significant threat to officers or civilians and should be affirmed by a high command officer if available. If Air 1 is attached to pursuit Air 1 will take lead comms.

Traffic Stops:​

To conduct a normal 10-11 Traffic Stop:

• Firstly, pull the vehicle over to the side of the road
• Park your car at a 45 Degree angle to the sidewalk, facing outwards.
• Pull up the CAD system and enter the plate number. This can help for info and in case they run.
• From your vehicle, instruct the driver to roll their window down and turn off their engine.
• Call into dispatch:
• CALLSIGN Mark me on a 10-11 on ROAD NAME with a VEHICLE, (if >1 occupants, state how many) (if you need 32’s state how many)
• Example:
Dispatch show me on a 10-11 southbound strawberry avenue with a black 2 door Aldi, 3 occupants.
• Walk up to the passenger’s window, behind the middle pillar.
• State your rank, name and division.
• Example:
Hello sir/ma’am, my name is Rank - Name with the LSPD.
• From here inform the driver why you pulled them over
• Take and check their ID and insurance.
• Confirm information in the CAD system
• Fine offender appropriately, if wanted take into custody

If the suspect you are pulling over is a felon, it will become a Code 3 10-11, and request available 32’s.

Section 9 - Responding to Store and Bank Robberies​

Store Robberies​

When responding to store robberies and you ARE the first on scene it is very important to observe and be alert to the surroundings. When making contact with the suspect/s you must state your rank, name and department, followed by asking how many hostages they have.

**Having Hostages can give the upper hand for negotiations for the suspect/s.**

**All Negotiations MUST be done by those that are certified**

When responding to store robberies and you are NOT first on scene it is still important to observe and be alert to the surroundings and then make contact with the first on scene to be briefed on the situation.

Negotiators are always going to try to de-escalate the situation and safely remove any hostages from the scene to be looked at by EMS. *It will be protocol for EMS to respond to robberies and be staged until clear*

Bank Robberies​

When responding to bank robberies it will be basically the same as store robberies just on a bigger scale.

Fleeing Robbers​

If you are the first on scene and the robbers are fleeing, then you must take pursuit and call in to dispatch for a code 3 chase.
If you are not first on scene and a chase has started, if you are not attached to the chase, you are to help secure the scene for EMS and Investigators.

Hostage Situations​

When there is a hostage Situation LEO’s MUST call Dispatch to roll out and stage EMS. Once the scene has been cleared by LEO’s, LEO’s Must radio Scene is Code 4 roll EMS to the scene

Section 10 - Weapons and Equipment​

When equipping your weapons and equipment report to one of the Armories located in all LEO Departments. Ranks under Sergeant may only carry a Pistol, Shotgun, Taser, Nightstick, Flashlight and Body Armor. At the rank of Sergeant, you can apply for AR certification. SMGs are for SWAT and Tactical Teams only. IF YOU ARE NOT CERTIFIED TO CARRY AN AR AND NOT ON SWAT YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE AN AR OR SMG.

Any selling or willingly giving items that you bought from the Police Armory to a civilian will result in an instant removal from the city.

Jailing Suspects​

When jailing suspect/s, Suspect/s will be jailed at the station they are brought to, to serve jail time.

Arrest Reports​

All Arrest history and reports will be done in the CAD system.

Section 11 - Evidence​

What is Evidence:​

(1) Refers to any tangible object or sound recording of a conversation that is offered in evidence.
(2) Admissibility – Evidence is admissible upon a showing that is relevant to an issue in the proceeding, is what it purports to be, and has not been tampered with.

*** Evidence is vital in any case; it is very important to investigate the area and collect all evidence at the crime scene. Crime scenes can vary in size, so it is important to be through when searching. ***

Collecting Evidence​

When collecting evidence, you will need to have a flashlight.
  • First, you will use your flashlight to search for evidence.
  • Second, you will collect the evidence.
  • Thirdly, you will take the evidence to the station the suspect is taken to and enter it into the evidence lab.
  • Detectives will have access to the entered evidence in order to file charges with the state.

Thank you for taking your time to read over the S.O.P of the San Andreas Department of Law Enforcement. If you have any questions, please contact your Supervisor / FTO.
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